Gym Membership & Personal Training in Winston-Salem, NC
Phenom Fitness Services
Open Gym
Phenom Fitness is open to members 5am - 11pm, 365! Enjoy our premier gym and personal training studio in Clemmons, NC everyday of the year. The gym is private and safe with a welcoming atmosphere. We pride ourselves on having unique (and effective!) equipment so you can get the best workout. We’re always improving and adding new amenities, and we make sure to keep the facility sparkling clean. You can come in for a tour or day pass during staffed hours!
Elite Personal Training
Whether you're new to the gym or you're getting ready to start an uncharted part of your fitness journey, hiring a personal trainer might be for you! A trainer is an excellent way to prevent injury, hold yourself accountable and remove the guesswork from your workout regimen. Since we have 8 personal trainers here at Phenom (all with a variety of specialties) you're guaranteed to find the right fit. Need help choosing a trainer? We've got you sorted there too!
Bodybuilding Competition Prep
Phenom Fitness is THE place for bodybuilding competitors, especially if you compete in the NPC/IFBB. That federation is the largest and most prestigious one in the world, and we're proud to be IFBB pro owned. All of our equipment is carefully chosen with competitors in mind (we have some pieces no one in this area has!) We also offer monthly coaching packages and a la carte pricing for all things competition prep, like posing, stage presence, bodybuilding training and more!
Nutrition & Health Coaching
With nearly 20 years of nutrition experience under our belts AND a certified health coach on staff, we are equipped to help you eat well. Nutrition can be an overwhelming topic, especially with all of the misinformation on social media. We can help clear the noise! We offer custom meal plans, customized macros, one-on-one health coaching and more. Contact us today so we can find the right way forward for you!